Monday, November 27, 2006

Bushinejad Strikes Again!


Ah! It's good to see Bushinejad being so frank about their friendship -- despite all that quibbling over nuclear this and nuclear that, it's been a match made in almighty heaven. If any further proof was needed of these two's blooming relationship, it came to the fore today in the person of one Jalal Talabani -- "President" of Iraq by day, US agent by day and night -- and his glorious visit to the annals of Ahmadinejad's lair: Tehran, the city once known as the capital of Iran, now nothing more than an outpost in a land laid siege by fundamentalists of all shades and inclinations.

You can bet your bottom dollar that if Bushler's making his way to Jordan this week, it won't be in absence of secret or not-so-secret visits with Iranian officials, too.

Yup, this is new age colonialism and it hurts just as bad as the old kind.

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