Wednesday, September 20, 2006

George Bush es El Diablo

Hugo Chavez has multiplied his fans this week after a remarkable, though at times melodramatic, appearance at the United Nations. During a 23-minute speech, he referred to Jorge W. Bush as the "devil" no less than 8 times, each time accompanied by applause from the audience. Take a look yourselves at the now infamous moment of this speech where he stated that the room still smelled of the sulphur the devil left behind (For a longer clip, look here). He also took a moment to encourage the American people especially, but also the world at large, to read famed linguist and political scholar Noam Chomsky's book "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance" . (click here for a brief clip on Chomsky's discussion on the political situation in Latin America)

The interesting thing about Chavez's speeches is that while they do at times contain melodrama (for instance his statement during this speech that Bush's reign was playing like an Alfred Hithcock movie which he suggested would be called "The Devil's Recipe"), he conducts them with a very normal and casual attitude that is not exaggerated or dramatic. Chavez's behavior on the international stage is how many of us wish we could behave if we had the same opportunity, it's also how many diplomats would wish to behave, no doubt.
But only Chavez is taking this risk. Why? Perhaps it is due to the long hours he has spent on grassroots speaking tours throughout the world, meeting with people and leaders of countries as diverse as Iran and Belarus (and many others in between) which have accumulated him a coalition against the US and its imperialist interests. Or perhaps he is like the revolutionaries he is often compared to. Whatever the reason, it is refreshing and necessary that leaders like him exist.

Was it inappropriate for him to refer to Herr Bushler as the devil? No more inappropriate than Bush calling Iran, Iraq and Korea the 'axis of evil,' or derogatorily announcing he'd "smoke 'em outta their holes" when referring to the terrorists, or his endless gibberish about "the evildoers." Bush started this game, Chavez is just taking his cue.

And Chavez is not alone. One of the most downloaded films on the Internet today is a documentary film called "Loose Change" which disturbingly details a long list of inaccuracies about what really happened on 11 September 2001 -- it's worth a look if you are curious to hear a different take on the official explanation for what happened.

What is perhaps more bold than referring to the apparently untouchable US President as El Diablo is that Chavez also did not hesitate to condemn the United Nations system which he called "worthless" because it fails to achieve its intended objectives. "Let's be honest. The UN system born after World War II collapsed. It's worthless." He added that the system "doesn't work." This was on the coatails of his new best friend Ahmadinejad who only the day before announced in his speech to the UN General Assembly that "As long as the UN Security Council is unable to act on behalf of the entire international community in a transparent, just and democratic manner, it will neither be legitimate nor effective."

It has taken two shunned leaders from developing countries to name and shame the most powerful leaders of the world and give voice to the torrid opinion of a massive and growing percentage of the world's population that is left to stand by helplessly as they become brutally victimized by a warmongering group of criminals that has taken the world hostage.
So be it: at least word is getting out.

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