Saturday, December 16, 2006

Legal Injection

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Out of no where and with very little media coverage, the states of California and Florida in the US have this week deemed capital punishment "unconstitutional." For now, that is. The problem, really, is how Jeb "I'm smarter but was passed up for Prez cuz my name isn't George" Bush and Arnie "Ich bin Nazi" Shschwaartszinaeygre can find a way around the pesky faults in the lethal injection system -- since in both of their states it has publicly failed at least once (experts have come forward saying that there is a high chance that Step 1 in the lethal injection process is not actually numbing the victim so the pain of Steps 2 and 3 is being felt) to be (a) humane or more importantly for their cause (b) effective killing devices.

Sadly, this is all too late for Tookie.

This brings us to the whole question of "humanity" in regards to capital punishment. It is a clear indication of the weakness of the American constitution that a little bit of legal mumbo jumbo can pass as democratic and just. How humane is knowing the exact time, date, and method of your impending demise? Not at all. The mental and emotional torture of this significant fact is inhumane beyond belief, made only more gruesome by tragicomic details such as a "last meal" and choice of audience members.

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